May 20th News

Posted May 20, 2024

Manual Families, 

There are just 11 full school days left of this year and right now it is essential that we continue to push hard to make sure students are present and focused on their grades as much as possible until the very last day of the year. When we started this year together I committed to making every day meaningful and I want to stay true to that commitment. In order to make that happen, we will have to come together in the following ways: 

Community Focus Area:

Attendance: We must continue to come together to get students to school until the very last day of school. Manual’s attendance has dropped over quarter four and it is essential that students attend every day. Please support student arrival at 8:20 in order to be on time for class which starts at 8:30. 

Quarter 4 Attendance:  Juniors 82%, Sophomores 83% , Freshman 80%. Manual’s goal for Quarter IV for all grade levels is 83%. It is essential that all three grades improve their attendance in May in order to meet our goal for Quarter IV. 

Important Announcements:

End of Year Technology Collection: At the End of this school year we will be collecting ALL student Chromebooks, chargers and hotspots (if students have been assigned one) after finals from June 3rd-June 5th. Please be sure all stickers are removed. Fees will be assessed to students who do not return their assigned technology. There will be a fee assessed to damaged devices by the DPS Department of Technology.

Coming Up at Manual: 

Tuesday, May 21st: Choir, Band and Orchestra Concert in the Dr. Joyce Marie Davis Auditorium at 7:00. 

Friday, May 24th: Late Start for Students – Classes Start at 10:00. 

  • Graduation Rehearsal for Seniors. Time TBD and will be communicated via text later in the week. 

Saturday, May 25th: Graduation in the Dr. Joyce Marie Davis Auditorium at Manual – 10:30 a.m. 

Monday, May 27th: No School – Memorial Day.

Friday, May 31st: Late Start for Students – Classes Start at 10:00. 

Monday, June 3rd: Blue Day Final Exams

Tuesday, June 4th: Red Day Final Exams

Wednesday, June 5th: Finals Make Up Day. Students do not have to attend unless they have not finished finals or their work for class.

Community Resources:

DPS Summer Programs – See this list of resources available to families this summer. 

City of Denver Program Locator – Here are offerings for students provided by the city of Denver. 

Summer Mental Health Referral Form – Use this form to use  as a resource for therapy and counseling this summer.  

I am very much looking forward to celebrating graduation on Saturday and watching our amazing class of 2024 step into their personal and academic lives.

Let’s have a great week, T-Bolts! 

In Community, 

Chris DeRemer